TEHRAN (AIPFF) - Unfortunately that's for years that the inverted world has been playing a role in the world and the players on the scene are deceitfully trying to neutrally, desperately and even in deterrent manner confront the bitter and dark events worldwide.
TEHRAN (AIPFF) – Unfortunately that’s for years that the inverted world has been playing a role in the world and the players on the scene are deceitfully trying to neutrally, desperately and even in deterrent manner confront the bitter and dark events worldwide.
Morteza Esmaeeldoost: Just look at the calendar next to you! You will notice September 30, well remembering the Day of Solidarity and Sympathy with the Palestinian Children and Teenagers. Such a designation is after Mohammad al-Dorah, the 12-year-old Palestinian teenager who was the target of Zionist militia on September 30, 2000. He was shelled to death mercilessly before the eyes of his father. Mohammad is an example of a large number of innocent children, martyred by Zionist tyrants.
And whose commemoration will be reminder of the shed of blood of an enormous victims by the Satans.
Unfavorable conditions that have changed the concept of life before the Palestinian people and suffocated life. The silence and inattention of the power holders and influential western media is very impudently. Of course, like many other reactions it has shown, the UN in 1947 superficially issued a resolution to call November 29 as the day of solidarity with the Palestinian people and children. However, the deceitful politicians worldwide extend assistance to such criminals and such designations will not come true.
Unfortunately, the inverted world plays a role for years and players on the stage are deceitfully trying to show neutral, desperate and even deterrent reaction to bitter and dark realities worldwide. This is the world, which under the guise of civilization, and presents different kinds of alien ideology to minds and spirit and turns a blind eye to realities. In this world many are unable to observe realities and as the invaluable novel Saramago says only an eye of reality can be found in it. Many pains need to be declared and hands are needed to heal wounds of those being awake.

Palestinian youth Injured By an Israeli Soldier – Photo: AFP
Evidently major portion of the world imaginations today are reflected by the media and people’s imaginations are formed through the communicative channels. Cinema is also one of the most important means in playing a key role in transfer of the modern world’s informative data through extensive reflection of illustration and bold aspects of influencing minds of individuals.
So, westerners and power monger investors of Zionism make investment in the Hollywood works and give a new dimension to their dark attitude through a special illustrative method. Hence, our information disseminating media, especially cinema producers, have times more extensive duty, that serves as the heart of world awakening. They should illuminate visions through information dissemination.
It is worth to consider which part of regional events, especially those concerning Palestinian Muslims, are reflected by the domestic media. Also, the part and dimension of the revolutionary campaigns of the world Muslims, especially those of Palestinian children, need to be brought to the information of the world by the media. We should be informed to what extent our cinema has been able to produce awakening products for the world people. All needs to be verified. Our print and broadcast media should know that contrary to certain ignorant individuals, different kinds of investment needs to be made in connection with regional events, especially those in the fields of culture and arts, thus leaving important impact on our country’s movement.
The cinematographers should in a suitable manner dedicate major portion of their activities to focusing works of those making self-sacrifice and resistance.