دعوة لمهرجان عمار السينمائي العالمی
دعوة لمهرجان عمار السينمائي العالمی+ اعلان التشویقی
يعتبر مهرجان عمار في فترة الخامسة عشرة مكاناً لرؤية أعمال الفنانين وإظهار أعمالهم الرائعة للعالم ولإيصال صوت المظلومين الذين لا يُرى، لقد سعى عمار دائمًا إلى رؤية الحقائق المفقودة في ظل مقاطعة وسائل الإعلام الغربية الثرية وجلب شعوب وشباب العالم إلى مجال الفن والتعريف بأبطال الأمم

call of Ammar International Film Festiva
Now more than ever, we are witnessing how the oppressors of the world tyrannize the weak, with thousands of men, women, and children being brutally murdered every day in palestine.

Ammar Popular Film Festival Press Conference held in Turquzabad village, Iran
A film festival’s response to the Israeli Prime Minister’s false statements about Iran
TEHRAN (AIPFF) - Ammar Popular Film Festival Press Conference was held in Turquzabad – the village that the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, alleged as Iran’s secret nuclear warehouse at the recent UN General Assembly session.

The Iran Never Seen
APFF, INCAA to Hold Joint Film Event in Argentina
Buenos Aires (AIPFF) - Ammar Popular Film Festival (APFF) has arranged for the Iran Independent Film Week in Argentina jointly with the Latin American country's prestigious National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts.

AIPFF 2016
American Filmmaker sends APFF Doc on Trump Speculation
TEHRAN (AIPFF) - Filmmaker and investigative reporter Anthony Baxter has sent his latest documentary "A Dangerous Game" on the environmental calamities of Donald Trump’s golf courses, to the international section of Ammar Popular Film Festival (APFF) 2016.

On the occasion of the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution:
We do not oppose cinema; We oppose vice: Imam Khomeini
TEHRAN (AIPFF) - It is an assessment of the leader's views, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, on art and cinema to which he referred to during his first speech on the first day of his arrival in the country on 1st February.

Resistance Cinema 2017
APFF Shows Vigilance of Nations against Media War: Resistance Rep.
GAZA (AIPFF) - The representative of Palestinian resistance groups at the Ammar Popular Film Festival (APFF) in Gaza says the festival sends the message of nations’ vigilance in the media war.

APFF 2017
Highlights of the 7th National APFF Press Conference
TEHRAN (AIPFF) - The press conference of the 7th national section of Ammar Popular Film Festival was held on December 18, at Hoseynieh Honar, Tehran.

Nader Talebzadeh, the secretary of Ammar Popular Film Festival:
Production of International Works Top Priority
TEHRAN (AIPFF) - The secretary of APFF, Nader Talebzadeh, upon the Festival crew’s visit to him, said “We are expected to bring production of international works into focus in the forthcoming events of the Festival. Such initiatives of course, will give rise to dire consequence."

Talebzadeh said on a discussion with Afkhami and Eslamzadeh:
APFF Can Train Crisis Genre Documentary Filmmaker
TEHRAN (AIPFF) - Nader Talebzadeh, the secretary of Ammar Popular Film Festival (APFF), and Mohsen Eslamzadeh, the selected director of the festival, considered the pros and cons of making a crisis genre documentary filmmaker in the weekly television program, Haft (Seven).

At Islamic Student Association of London:
APFF Director Conducts Filmmaking Workshop
LONDON (AIPFF) - Reza John Vedadi, a director lauded at the Ammar Popular Film Festival (APFF), is conducting a filmmaking workshop in London with support from the Islamic Student Association of London.

Nader Talebzadeh:
Ammar Popular Film festival is Founded and Funded by People
Ammar film festival is popular. But why is that? There are several reasons to elucidate it and figure out that Ammar festival is founded and funded by people.