TEHRAN (AIPFF) - On the pretext of liberation of Aleppo, the second largest Syrian city, Ammar Popular Film Festival (APFF) is now reviewing the films on the subject of "resistance in Syria".
TEHRAN (AIPFF) – On the pretext of liberation of Aleppo, the second largest Syrian city, Ammar Popular Film Festival (APFF) is now reviewing the films on the subject of “resistance in Syria”.
On the pretext of liberation of Aleppo, and in response to the disinformation campaign against the realities of the war in Syria that is led by the mainstream media, extremist groups, and those who support them, It’s about time the true image of what is really going on in Syria was displayed [to the world].
Other than showing the atrocities and brutalities of the terrorist groups in Syria, these documentaries are depicting the resistance of Syrian people of different religions and sects in recent years.
Those who are interested in screening the films- in mosques, schools, universities, events, and gatherings- should fill in the screening request form which is available on the website of the festival.
The Hidden Battle (2016)
“Nabard E Penhan” or “The Hidden Battle”, directed by Naser Naderi, is one of the most outstanding works submitted to the festival which pictures the realities of Syria and is narrated by Hassan Shemshadi, a prominent Iranian correspondent in Syria. The movie which was produced courageously and in high risk conditions is generally pointing to a very important issue in the Syrian battle, which is the takfiri groups being supported by countries like Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and some other states in the region, backed by the US and Israel. The documentary shows how the rebels who are against the Syrian government are sowing discord in a country where different religions have been living together peacefully for years. It is projecting a false image of the clash of religions and sects in the region.
The interviews with the soldiers of the Syrian Army and their family members who are of different faiths and religions, show the solidarity and unity of people against the takfiri front. This fact is well-shown in the movie. The movie which has been submitted to the Seventh Ammar Popular Film Festival tries to react to the lack of just and objective media coverage of Syria’s developments. According to the producers of the film, other episodes of the movie are also being produced.

Malikiyah (2014)
Malikiyah is the name of a city in the south of Aleppo and near the Turkish border. On March 18, 2013, all men of the village were burned alive and all the children lost their fathers. MohammadBaqer Shahin projects this massacre in a 100-second movie shot on a small theatre scene. A casually dressed little girl is standing at the middle of the scene and narrates the story in the simplest way possible. An unmediated depiction of the war in Syria, a smart director, and avoiding any kind of interpretation and explanation are the three factors making the movie very impressive despite its being very simple and very short. Prior to the 5th Ammar Popular Film Festival, the movie was screened at New York Video Art and Experimental Film Festival and also the Human Rights Film Festival of Barcelona.

“Ommi Ghiyath” or “Ghiyath’s Mother” (2013)
Crying eyes and smiling lips describe a woman who has faced the most difficult and bothering events in life with the sudden death of his husband and the martyrdom of his four sons. When we asked the woman if she regretted it, she smiled and said: ” homeland is dear, son! And thus it deserves our everything to be sacrificed for it. I have two more sons. They also have to go [and defend their country]. Ommi Ghiyath is the mother of four martyrs of the Syrian National Defense Forces. She lives in the suburbs of Damascus, in an area that is only one or two lanes away from the frontline of the battle. She is an example of the resisting mothers and women in Syria today. In this movie which is directed by Majid Zolfaqari, the story is narrated by this woman and some of his relatives and friends, showing what she came across and the patience she had facing all these miseries and losses.
Other than participating in the Islamic Awakening section of the 5th Ammar Popular Film Festival, the movie was screened at the 13th Resistance International Film Festival.

Yarmouk, an Excuse for Liberation (2014)
“Yarmouk, an Excuse for Liberation” is the name of a documentary on the Palestinian refugees who have taken refuge in Syria, directed by Sayed Hassan Mousavi. Yarmouk Camp is the biggest camp for Palestinian refugees where the majority of trading and economic interactions among Palestinians were taking place prior to the war. The war however, did not make these refugees leave Syria for their homeland or another place. Instead, they have put resistance at the top of their agenda.
“Syria is the only Arab country that let in the greatest number of Palestinian refugees who enjoyed the utmost rights in this country. Syria is also the only Arab country that has always been under the pressure and criticized by other Arab states. The war in Syria has caused some Palestinian refugees to immigrate to European countries, getting further and further away from their homeland which they might never be able to see again,” says Mousavi, explaining the Subject of his movie.
The movie was screened at Islamic Awakening section of the 5th Ammar Popular Film Festival.