TEHRAN (AIPFF) - Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution met with participants of 3rd Ammar Film Festival on February 19, 2013.
TEHRAN (AIPFF) – Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution met with participants of 3rd Ammar Film Festival on February 19, 2013.
Speaking at the meeting, His Eminence described the officials’ attention to the issue of religion, religious principles, the Islamic Revolution and revolutionary values as a positive move, further adding: “You should adopt a long-term outlook on Islamic art and religious cinema. You should broaden your outlook by doing careful planning, being hopeful about the future and utilizing art in an appropriate way in order to produce the optimum effect.”
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution stated that being hopeful about the future and broadening your horizons regarding the goals and the ideals of the Islamic Revolution are very important; further reiterating: “The movement of the Islamic Revolution – which started its victory in 1979 – the humiliation of America and the different events which took place during the past 34 years are all a prelude for the Islamic Revolution to achieve its main goals. Therefore, you should quickly move towards the peak of glory by showing determination, making great efforts, showing courage against the enemy and his plots, avoiding pessimism and restraining yourselves from being hopeless.”

Ayatollah Khamenei described having a long-term outlook on the issue of Islamic art and religious cinema as necessary and stressed: “In this arena, religious, energetic and enthusiastic youth with new perspectives and a firm determination are the engines for moving forward. Those who have a lot of experience should accelerate this movement by sharing their experience and training new and competent manpower.”
His Eminence said that it is necessary to make good plans and prepare the ground for the youth and new talents to enter the arena of Islamic art and religious cinema. He stressed that religious, revolutionary, experienced and skilled people should enter this arena.

He said that it is absolutely necessary for religious and revolutionary individuals who enter the arena of cinema to immunize themselves in order to avoid the adverse influence of cinema, further stressing: “The only way one can immunize himself is to develop a close relationship with God, pray fervently and engage in praying. This is the way that Ammar had made himself immune and invulnerable.”
Ayatollah Khamenei added: “Praying, engaging in praise of God and paying attention to God are more enjoyable than any kind of art.”
His Eminence said that using art in an appropriate way and using good fiction and screenplays is one of the main necessities for making films; further adding: “In our country, literary forms such as fiction and novel are not as good as they should be and this area should be improved.”

He stated that plots and themes about the history of the Islamic Revolution, the Sacred Defense Era and Islamic Awakening are important and valuable for film-making. He reiterated: “One false claim which is promoted in the world is that art should not be mixed with politics. This is while certain organizations which promote western art such as Hollywood are completely political. If it is not like this, why do they not allow Iranian films which are anti-Zionist to be nominated at film festivals?”
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution stressed: “Making political films against Iran or awarding anti-Iranian films provide clear evidence that politics and art are closely intertwined in America and west.”
Ayatollah Khamenei called on those who are involved in cinema and who are committed to religion and the Revolution to avoid making themselves busy with trivial matters and absurd conflicts, further reiterating: “Those cinematic personalities who believe in religion and the Revolution should focus their efforts on major issues even if there are differences of opinion between them.”