
قد تجاوز عدد العروض العامة لفيلم "إسرائيليسم" في الجامعات والمساجد والمدارس وغيرها 100 عرض
APFF, INCAA to Hold Joint Film Event in Argentina
Ammar Popular Film Festival (APFF) has arranged for the Iran Independent Film Week in Argentina jointly with the Latin American country's prestigious National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts
The Significance of the Cinema
Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei underlined the role of cinema in development of the country in a meeting he had with Iranian directors a few years ago. Here you can watch the first that is being published for the first time.
“Orphanage Of Iran” was acclaimed by Miguel Littin
Miguel Littin watched the film “Orphanage of Iran” while he took part in Ammar International Popular Film Festival and acclaimed it.
Resistance Cinema 2017
Palestine Today TV reports the opening ceremony of the 3rd Resistance Cinema in Gaza which was held on 7th January 2017.
Commemoration of anti-coup director “Miguel Littin”
Chilean filmmaker Miguel Littin and his wife, Elizabeth Menz, accept a lifetime achievement award and a plaque of honor presented by the 3rd Ammar Int'l Popular Film Festival at the feast of linkage between Iranian-Latin American Revolutionary Arts at the University of Tehran.
Miguel Littin in Iran
Miguel Littin and his wife traveled to Iran for 2 weeks and he visits so much places and meets some of Iranian filmmakers.
Miguel Littin’s art work review
A review of Miguel Littin's art work on the occasion of his commemoration in the 3rd International section of Ammar Popular Film Festival
Power and Impotence (2014)
Fernando Lugo, the bishop of the poor, won the 2008 presidential elections in Paraguay. After 61 years of hegemony by the Colorado Party and by the dictator Stroessner, this unexpected victory came as a political miracle.