قد تجاوز عدد العروض العامة لفيلم "إسرائيليسم" في الجامعات والمساجد والمدارس وغيرها 100 عرض
تم عرض الفيلم الوثائقي “إسرائيليسم” في 100 مكان في إيران
بعد شهرين، أصبح الفيلم الوثائقي الإسرائيليسم هو الفيلم الوثائقي السياسي الأكثر شعبية هذه الأيام.

Kanoon Towhid hosted:
January 82 Screened in London
LONDON (AIPFF) - Kanoon Towhid London, Center of Iranian Students Islamic Association in London, has screened a documentary film, entitled as January 82, for Iranian expatriates.

Patriotism and Self-esteem for Students:
Vice-Principal Screens APFF Films in Norway
Norway (AIPFF) - A vice-principal in a school for Iranian students in Oslo, Norway, has screened a number of Ammar Popular Film Festival (APFF) films in the school.

In Tehran, the Capital of Iran:
Iraqi Expatriates Watch Film on Martyred Shia Leader
TEHRAN (AIPFF) - Iraqi expatriates in the Iranian capital, Tehran, watched a film about Ayatollah Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr in Tehran.

Resistance Cinema 2017
APFF Shows Vigilance of Nations against Media War: Resistance Rep.
GAZA (AIPFF) - The representative of Palestinian resistance groups at the Ammar Popular Film Festival (APFF) in Gaza says the festival sends the message of nations’ vigilance in the media war.

Resistance Cinema 2017
APFF Films Screened in Gaza
TEHRAN (AIPFF) - The international section of Ammar Popular Film Festival (APFF) was launched in Gaza on Saturday and screening of its films has begun in the Palestinian strip.

Special Call for Screeners:
Reality of Syria in APFF Films
TEHRAN (AIPFF) - On the pretext of liberation of Aleppo, the second largest Syrian city, Ammar Popular Film Festival (APFF) is now reviewing the films on the subject of "resistance in Syria".

Special call on Unity Week:
Top APFF Films on Islamic Unity Ready for Public Screening
TEHRAN (AIPFF) - Ammar Popular Film Festival (APFF) provided a number of its top works on Islamic Unity for volunteer screeners to display them to the public on the occasion of the Unity Week in the world of Islam.

From Najaf to Karbala
APFF Films Displayed for Arbaeen Marchers
TEHRAN (AIPFF) - Two Mukebs (service centers) in Iraq displayed a number of films belonging to the Ammar Popular Film Festival (APFF) for Arbaeen Marchers heading from the Iraqi city of Najaf to the city of Karbala on foot.

By Islamic Student Association of London
APFF’s “The Passage” Screened in London ahead of Arbaeen
LONDON (AIPFF) – “The passage”, a documentary about the similarities of Arbaeen's march and eight years of the Iraq-imposed war on Iran, was screened in Towhid center by Islamic Student Association of London ahead of the day of Arbaeen.

AIPFF, The host of Iraqi University Students
Movie “The Martyr” on Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr Screened
TEHRAN (AIPFF) - Ammar Popular Film Festival (APFF) hosted a ceremony to screen movie "The Martyr" about the life, activities and execution of Martyr Ayatollah Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr by Saddam Hossein at its secretariat in Tehran, Iran.

On 27th Octobor
Iraqi Students to Watch “The Martyr” in Tehran
TEHRAN (AIPFF) - The Center for Iraqi Students at the University of Tehran has planned to display "The Martyrs" jointly by the Ammar Popular Film Festival’s secretariat for Iraqi students of the university at Avini Hall of the Art Religious Auditorium in Tehran at weekend.

Nader Talebzadeh:
Ammar Popular Film festival is Founded and Funded by People
Ammar film festival is popular. But why is that? There are several reasons to elucidate it and figure out that Ammar festival is founded and funded by people.