Screening Schedule:
“Night over Chile” on the First Day of the Festival
TEHRAN (AIPFF) - On the first day of AIPFF, the documentary “Night over Chile”, directed by Sebastian Alarcon, is going to be screened on Wednesday, 24th of August in Soureh Hall of Howzeh Honari at 14 p.m.

Screening Schedule:
“Inheritance” on the First Day of the Festival
TEHRAN (AIPFF) - On the first day of AIPFF, the documentary “Inheritance”, directed by Cambiz Amir-khosravi, is going to be screened on Wednesday, 24th of August in Soureh Hall of Howzeh Honari at 20:30 p.m.

Screening Schedule:
“American Coup” on the First Day of the Festival
TEHRAN (AIPFF) - On the first day of AIPFF, the documentary “American Coup”, directed by by Joseph Ayella, is going to be screened on Wednesday, 24th of August in Soureh Hall of Howzeh Honari at 16 p.m.

Screening Schedule:
“Salvador Allende“ by Patricio Guzmán on the First Day of the Festival
TEHRAN (AIPFF) - On the first day of AIPFF, the documentary “Salvador Allende”, directed by Patricio Guzmán, is going to be screened on Wednesday, 24th of August in Soureh Hall of Howzeh Honari at 11 a.m.

by the Schedule of the Festival
Four Documentary Films on Coup d’etat to be Screened Tomorrow in AIPFF
TEHRAN (AIPFF) - According to the public relations office of the AIPFF, Tomorrow on Aug. 24th 2016, four selected films best known for depicting coup d'etat, will be showcased. The screening will take place at Soureh Hall of Howzeh Honari from 11:00 to 22:00.

The Procedure of the 3rd Ammar Popular Film Festival at a Glance
TEHRAN (AIPFF) - According to the public relations office of the AIPFF, the international part of the 3rd Ammar Popular Film Festival is organized in a number of sections to be held at different intervals with some specific themes.

24th - 26th August 2016
Countdown to 3rd Ammar Popular Film Festival Begins
TEHRAN (AIPFF) - According to the public relations office of the AIPFF, The 3rd edition of Ammar International Popular Film Festival to be held on the 24th of August and will last for three days in Tehran, capital city of Iran.

Anti-Coup Chilean Filmmaker in Meeting with Nader Talebzadeh:
Cinematographer’s Compulsory Duty is Illustrating such Realities as Pain of Palestinians
TEHRAN (AIPFF) - Miguel Littin, famoused as an anti-coup chilean filmmaker Emphasised: Cinematographer's compulsory duty is illustrating such realities as pain of Palestinians.

AIPFF 2016
“Dawson Isla 10” Directed by Miguel Littin, in AIPFF
TEHRAN (AIPFF) - Dawson Isla 10 written and directed by Miguel Littin will be screened in his presence at the 3rd Ammar Popular Film Festival.

Miguel Littin:
I Don’t Feel Iran has been a Country in Sanctions
TEHRAN (AIPFF) - Miguel Littin has said on the first day of his presence in Tehran, "I don't feel Iran has been a country in sanctions; I used to be in Cuba. I did notice it was affected by sanctions too. Iran and its people are in a very good condition."

AIPFF 2016
Miguel Littin, Renowned Chilean Anti-coup Director in Tehran
TEHRAN (AIPFF) - According to the public relations office of the AIPFF, prolific director Miguel Littin from Latin America came to Iran to attend International Ammar Popular Film Festival which will be held on 24-26 August, 2016.

The Most Acclaimed Chilean Filmmaker
Miguel Littin to Attend 3rd AIPFF
TEHRAN (AIPFF) - According to the public relations office of the 3rd AIPFF, prolific director Miguel Littin from chile will be present in International Ammar Popular Film Festival which will be held on 24-26 August, 2016.

Nader Talebzadeh:
Ammar Popular Film festival is Founded and Funded by People
Ammar film festival is popular. But why is that? There are several reasons to elucidate it and figure out that Ammar festival is founded and funded by people.